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Riding your First Enduro
If you have never ridden an enduro, you are in for the most fun you have ever had on a dirt bike. Seriously, this really is fun.
Here it is in a nutshell...
Sign up for the event. You'll need to show a valid motorcycle license , insurance card, license plate and registration card, and an AMA card. You'll need your series membership card (ECEA or ACES or AMA District 7 or District 6) if you want series points for end of year awards.
At sign up, You'll be assigned a row number, a letter, and given a scorecard. The row number is the number of minutes past 9:00 a.m. that your group of 4 guys will leave the starting line. Different class riders can ride on the same row since you are racing against the computer all day, comparing schedules at the end. Your letter indicates which of the 5 guys you are from your row (A,B,C,D,E).
Tape your scorecard to your front fender. Just tape the edges, leaving all the boxes open so we can write in them while it's on your fender. Label your gas can with your name and number and put it on the gas truck. Fill up your hydration system, and shove a couple of power bars in your pocket.
Clubs start 4-5 riders onto the course, one minute apart, beginning at 9:00 in the morning.
For example, You are Rider 12-B so you leave at 09:12 a.m. Show up at the starting line at 9:11 for the start entry on your card. Line up with your row of guys, and leave when the starter says "Go" at 09:12 a.m.
Follow the arrows. You'll see signs as you travel the course with mile markers, speed average changes, resets, etc. Just follow the guys on your row. You'll go through 8-15 checkpoints over the next 60 miles with chances to rest and gas up. Look for your buddies at the resets and start controls.
Stop at the Checkpoints! Checkpoint crew members will announce and write your arrival time in a box on your score card at each checkpoint. You have to have an entry for each checkpoint of the race to be scored.
At the end of the event, turn in your scorecard. Scorers will calculate your penalty points based on your deviations from a perfect schedule, and post your scorecard on a scoreboard under your Rider class. A horn will announce the end of scoring and start of awards ceremonies.
HAVE FUN at your first enduro, pace yourself, keep your head, toes and momentum up, and just try to finish.